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UPDATED 07/12/24

UPDATES - July 14, 2024

H.B. 68: Ohio's Gender-affirming Care Ban trial begins tomorrow:
Monday, July 15 @ 9 am

Franklin County Court of Common Pleas

DEFENDANTS: Attorney General David Yost and State of Ohio.
PLAINTIFFS: Transgender Youth and Families represented by ACLU of Ohio

*The hearing and livestream are open to the public, however, there will be times when the court is closed for witness identity protection and at the discretion of the judge.


ACLU of Ohio filed a lawsuit against the State of Ohio to block HB 68 permanently. Whether they are successful or not, the judge’s ruling will be appealed. A restraining, blocking HB 68, will remain in effect for the duration of the trial and until the Judge makes his ruling.

IS H.B. 68 EFFECTIVE and ENFORCEABLE NOW?  H.B. 68 is currently NOT EFFECTIVE due to a restraining order that is extended until the end of the trial.


WHEN WILL THE JUDGE RULE? Unpredictable. Could be days, weeks, or more.

ESTIMATED LENGTH OF TRIAL:  5 days (initial projection)

WHAT HAPPENS IF FAMILIES AND TRANS CHILDREN WIN? The injunction blocking HB 68 from going into effect will likely remain in place while the State appeals.

WHAT HAPPENS IF THE STATE WINS? ACLU of Ohio will likely ask the court to keep the injunction in place through the appeals.

ANONYMITY: Many aspects of the trial will be kept “under seal” to protect the identity of the youth and families. Additionally, ACLU of Ohio has moved to keep the public out of the courtroom during certain testimony.

From the ACLU of Ohio:

“Starting July 15, we’ll be in court at the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas challenging House Bill 68 and defending the rights of trans youth to access gender-affirming care. We believe that ALL Ohioans deserve bodily autonomy, and private medical decisions should remain between families and their healthcare providers.”

The ACLU of Ohio will be giving periodic updates. Please follow them.

ACLU info:

UPDATES - July 8, 2024

Senate Fall Session Dates Announced

November 13 @ 130 pm

November 20 @ 130 pm

December 4 @ 130 pm

December 11 @ 130 pm

December 18 @ 130 pm

Senate Sessions are when all Ohio State Senators gather to vote collectively on bills that have passed out of Senate Committees and other full Senate Business. Senate Sessions take place in Senate Chambers inside the Ohio Statehouse and are open to the public.

The Ohio House has not announced their fall Session Schedule yet.

Ohio's Transgender and Gender Non-conforming Communities Need your care and support.

UPDATES - JUNE 28, 2024

The last Ohio House and Senate Sessions until the fall were held on Wednesday, June 26. Here's what to know:

HB 183: Ohio’s bathroom ban for transgender youth and adults in schools

This discriminatory and harmful bill applies to all students, staff, and guests at public and private schools from K-12 and higher education facilities, including trade schools, colleges, universities, medical schools, etc.

H.B. 183 was added to SB 104, bypassing the committee hearing process in Ohio’s Senate.

H.B. 183 IS NOT LAW. The Senate and House will have to hash it out this fall before SB 104 is sent to the Governor’s desk. Read this article in THE BUCKEYE FLAME for more commentary:

“House Republicans hijack legislative process to pass Bathroom Ban – Late night move advances restroom and locker room ban at all schools and colleges” — by Ken Schneck (he/him), Editor

HB 8: Ohio’s “Don’t Say Gay/Trans” and forced school outing bill

READ: H.B. 8 Substitute Bill introduced June 26, 2023

A substitute (or amended) bill was introduced and accepted by the Senate Education Committee members on June 26, 2023.

Changes to H.B. 8 include:

  • Bill now requires parents be given an opportunity to review any “sexuality content” in instructional materials.
  • Now requires notification of parents for only substantial changes in student services.
  • Excuses “incidental” mentions of sexuality content in student discussions from review requirements

“Sexuality content” includes “gender ideology” which is a loaded term not defined anywhere in the law.

Read this article in THE BUCKEYE FLAME for more commentary:

“Ohio Republicans update Parents’ Bill of Rights; take no further action…for now – H.B. 8 would force all teachers and school staff t out LGBTQ+ students who confide in them to the students’ parents” — by Ken Schneck (he/him), Editor

SB 83: Ohio’s Higher Education “Destruction” Act

No hearing or action was taken on S.B. 83 on June 26, 2023.

STATUS: Passed Senate and voted out of Committee in the House. It is waiting for a floor vote during a House Session this fall.

Read this article published by Ohio Capital Journal for more commentary and to learn what SB 83 Sponsor, Ohio Senator Cirino, had this to say about lack of action on his harmful, broadly unpopular bill:

Sponsor of controversial higher education bill doesn’t want to discuss it with Ohio House Speaker — Megan Henry, Ohio Capital Journal


Honesty for Ohio Education Team Meetings:
July 25
August 22
September 26
Meetings begin @ 7pm

We are seeing schools and school districts across the state facing calls for book bans, "don't say gay" and trans bathroom ban policies, and disruptive religious release programs that teach extremist "biblical" lessons.

Meet with area Honesty for Ohio Education Teams to share updates and news about your school, respond to new and emerging education issues, and learn community organizing skills to prepare to fight back against book bans, anti-LGBTQ/anti-DEI policies, "right to evangelize students" release programs before they show up on your school's doorstep.



July 15, 2024 @ 9 am – Franklin County Court of Common Pleas

  • Trial on the merits of ACLU of Ohio’s lawsuit over the unconstitutionality of HB 68 & Hearing on the injunction preventing HB 68 from going into effect


Find all Franklin County Court of Common Pleas lawsuit documents by plugging in “Madeline Moe” and Court Case: 24 CV 002481 in the Court’s “Find my Case” search engine.

3/26/24 – ACLU of Ohio files lawsuit in Franklin County Court of Common Pleas on the grounds HB 68 violates Ohio’s Constitution

4/16/24 – Temporary Restraining Order barring implementation of H.B. 68 Granted by Judge Holbrook in Franklin County Court of Common Pleas

5/2/24 – Court Order scheduling trial for July 15, 2024 @ 9 am on the merits on the merits of ACLU of Ohio’s lawsuit & extension of TRO until the end of that trial.

Please follow ACLU of Ohio and TransOhio for updates.

Community Care Room Hours

Ohio Statehouse
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, Ohio

none scheduled

*All Gender Restroom is on the GROUND FLOOR across from the Gift Shop. If our care room is open, we will escort you if you like! Please contact us if you have concerns about your comfort, accessibility, or safety.